The markets – wading through Trump’s “pendency” and the fires blowing up – have been a bit disappointed. But we have our eyes on tomorrow’s market action for a number of reasons.
- Tomorrow is a Bank Settlement day.
- Thursday is Index options
- Friday is stock options
- But above all, tomorrow is Retail Sales
Clinical economists may find this one “informative.” Because in the latest Fed consumer habit report, credit card use was down a good bit. One theory says it’s because of data-gathering and collation schedules. Another offers “in-house” company plans “90-days – to six-months, same as cash) and so forth.
Still, we are mindful that tomorrow’s Retail numbers are coming. And with our expected “rally into mid-week” plus a three-day weekend ahead, Markets could be ending the “buy the rumor” in preparation for further “sell the news” selling later in the week.
Troubling “pre-shock” headlines are already circulating: McDonalds, TGI Fridays & More Get BRUTAL News As New Economy Indicator Spells DOOM For Retail. The newish (though almost unbelievably complex interrelation with Fed credit card use) is there – waiting to be judged after the numbers tomorrow.
In the early futures?, Tiptoes up the bid side. BTC drove up to $97,280, but has started a modest retreat as a click time. Hint of coming bloodshed? And did you see? Supreme Court Ruling Confirms US Securities Laws Apply to Binance Despite No US Office. Wait, do we see crypto carpetbaggers or whales at work?
Fires in “Blow and Grow” Mode
The reports out of SoCal have not improved dramatically overnight. Winds bring potential for ‘fire growth’ across L.A. County this week – Los Angeles Times.
Meanwhile, the politicization of the fires ranges from appalling to stupid, ignorant to outright incompetent.
Three days ago, the (alleged) governor was calling for an investigation of fire hydrants. And – on Michael Berry’s radio show last night – WOAI – the governor’s pitch for “studies and collaboration – with a side of “rolling up sleeves” sounded at least as idiotic as the rest of his free-spending left ideology.
Yet he is not alone. The desperate left is throwing everything it has into the fire fight, including charging “racism” between the lines in stories like Khloe Kardashian, Others Are Coming For L.A. Mayor Bass’ Neck. But While Some Claim Their Critiques Are Valid, Others Call Racism.
The (heavily Soros funded) liberals are using the fires to re-prove (like there was any doubt?) that they are 1) tone deaf and 2) they produce labels more rapidly than most Dymo machines.
To Berry’s point? With little-to-no progress rebuilding Lahaina (smoked in mid 2003) outright lying about the speed of recovery to expect should be a re-callable offense.
On that point, the recall Karen Bass petition had over 134,000 signatures today. (We’re pretty sure there’d be more, if the power was back on in many areas.)
It’s not like Berry (or us) is off-base on this: Former LA County Sheriff Says Bass, Newsom Should Resign For ‘Gross Negligence’ In Deadly Wildfires.
Going viral? Joe Rogan’s mid-summer 2024 forecast:
For dessert, how about the climate blame-shift efforts? BBC Try To Wriggle Out Of Extreme Weather Claims – Watts Up With That?
And yet…the Climate pitch continues: CNN analyst: Americans are NOT making connection between climate & wildfires – Polling shows ‘Americans are really no more worried about climate change than they were nearly 35 years ago’. Maybe because Americans are wising up to liars and panderers? Call us when New York is underwater…
Sounds to us like Blackrock has “gotten over” Climate, too, on reading Reuters Exclusive: Investor Climate Group Suspends Activities After BlackRock Exit.
Other Truths We Knew Were Coming
America’s Future-Hobbler-in-Chief is less than a week from departure. But we expected this to come: Hunter Biden Special Counsel BLASTS Joe Biden in Final Report. We would encourage republicans to immediately begin investigations of democrat lawmakers who waged law-fare and deceitful Russia lies on Trump. Oh, but that would require testosterone and going to the mat with the Deep State. So are we being too harsh? Um… ‘Gratuitous And Wrong’: Special Counsel David Weiss Slams Biden In Final Report. Nope, maybe too charitable.
Perhaps they could call it Tic-Trump? BREAKING: Elon Musk Emerges As A Potential Buyer For TikTok. I’d bid $20, but I don’t know where to mail the bid… By the way, China seems actually considering it.
Trump’s Loyalty Squad
The story is pretty interesting: Trump team questioning civil servants at National Security Council | AP News. I’ve deferred to a learned colleague (with experience in this space) for guidance. Two points in my thinking:
- NSC membership should continue the political restraints of the personnel lending agencies. FBI, State, CIA, etc. From the anti-Trump letter-signings, we suspect it’s all highly politicized.
- NSC appointments should – in our view – be strictly NON-partisan. And a (nonpartisan) group should ensure that politics isn’t played with America’s national interest.
For now, neocons have “educationalized” global partisans and we think a loyalty oath – to the country and nonpartisan execution of their jobs – is not asking too much. But, I’m sure I’ll be corrected by front-row types.
At the Ranch: Maple Syrup and Aerosols
Thank you. (Directed to a reader in Canada, who sent us a couple of containers of gourmet Canadian Maple Syrup.)
In addition to our Bailey’s French Toast – which is every cardiologist’s dream – I love to use Maple Syrup in many unexpected kitchen uses.
For example, many chefs know the trick about adding a tablespoon (or two) of sugar to spaghetti sauce. The sugar dramatically reduces the tendency of the sauce to result in heartburn in the middle of the night. (Going to bed later after sitting up for three hours helps, too. Reduces GERD risk, too.)
I make a pretty good breakfast, couple of times a week, of Chinese pot stickers. Chicken filled. The previous sauce involved finer juice, low-sodium soy sauce, and Japanese Mirin. However, when a friend told me “there’s corn syrup in most Mirin” I went looking for alternatives. Turned out a splash of white wine with just enough maple syrup to his the sweetness profile of Mirin worked great. Splash of balsamic, too.
Last night – off point – Elaine and I made two huge ham and scalloped potato casseroles. Answering the question: “How can two seniors eat a whole spiral cut ham?” Well, us and the KitchenAid are all about cooking Big and Freezing, when ingredients demand.
Smells of Work
Someone asked me in an email a while back, why do I have “Aerosols” up near the top of my (Brisqi) To-Do list, every day?Glad you asked, because it’s one of the few things I didn’t get deeply into in my latest book (The Doctor Between Your Ears: Practical Longevity).
I would direct you to two papers to pore over. The first is (2019) Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: A Map of the Evidence – PubMed
From the Abstract of this paper:
“Results: We included 26 SRs representing the most recent and comprehensive evidence available. There is moderate-confidence evidence that aromatherapy is beneficial for pain in dysmenorrhea. Aromatherapy is potentially effective for pain in labor/childbirth; blood pressure reduction in hypertension; stress, depression, and sleep in hemodialysis patients; stress in healthy adults; anxiety in perioperative patients; and sleep quality in various populations, with low to moderate confidence in the evidence. For EOs applied topically, there is moderate confidence in the potentially positive effect of tea tree oil for tinea pedis. There is insufficient evidence of efficacy for all other conditions examined.”
The second paper, (2024) Essential oils: a systematic review on revolutionizing health, nutrition, and omics for optimal well-being – PMC included this in the abstract:
“…a significant improvement was observed in the diastolic pressure of patients with metabolic syndrome when supplementing them with cumin essential oil. The antimicrobial properties of coriander essential oil, especially its application in seafood like tilapia, demonstrate efficacy in improving health and resistance to bacterial infections. Cumin essential oil treats inflammation. Parsley essential oil is an antioxidant. Orange peel oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and pro-oxidative. Lemon essential oil affects mouse intestinal microbiota. Thyme essential oil protects the colon against damage and DNA methylation. Carnosic acid in rosemary oil can reduce prostate cancer cell viability by modifying the endoplasmic reticulum function.”
What to Smell?
Going strictly off the data (in (2012) The effects of lavender oil inhalation on emotional states, autonomic nervous system, and brain electrical activity – PubMed). But there are several other scents that infuse into my office/writing space every morning.
Longer answer than you were expecting, but it’s a very interesting topic. Remember, odors are a key aspect of the censors wafting scents during religious convocations…
Write when you get rich,
Read the full article here